Saturday, June 30, 2012


Wise Man Harry gave an inspiring message to launch the service, titled, “Love Everyone, Trust Only God”.  He said that one of the great lessons life itself teaches us is that trust should not be readily given because we are in a danger zone where everyone lies to his neighbour. Great businesses do not just happen without trust; our greatest mistakes will happen because of quick trust. He said the same people who were praising Jesus were the ones who later crucified Him. Many times Jesus found Himself where people rejected Him because of His ideology.
He said we cannot succeed alone but we need good, inspired and informed people to succeed in life, which was why Jesus had 12 disciples. Those in whom we choose to trust should be led by God each day; when we trust them, we trust God.

Healed Of Ovarian Cyst Through The Anointing Water
Mrs Ntisili Seng, a South African, was suffering from an ovarian cyst and had visited many gynaecologists for medical attention, who eventually recommended that she go for an operation. Her sister, in possession of the Anointing Water from The SCOAN rushed to her aid and  advised her to administer it in faith. To her surprise, the symptoms of the cyst disappeared and upon further medical examination, she was confirmed to be healed and without any trace of the ovarian cyst. Speaking to the congregation and viewers, she advised that people should not lose hope because God is always in control.

Healed Of Hypertension Through The Anointing Water
Mr Hassan Ola, from Warri, Delta State, had been suffering from hypertension for four years for which he could not get a solution. The heart disease had taken him to many places because it had deprived him of paying attention to his business, as he could not walk even for 30 minutes. He said he faced “troubles all over”.
He was lucky to obtain Anointing Water which God used to perform the divine miracle in his life. Today, he said, “I feel better. I can walk for more than one hour with no problem”. He said, “There is power in this water. You only need to believe.

Delivered From Fatal Accident Through The Anointing Water
Pastor Henry Neaba, based in Ebonyi State, Nigeria came to The SCOAN on January 2012 for “spiritual upliftment”. After receiving prayer from  Prophet T.B. Joshua, he returned home, believing that his case was settled. On March 12th, his boss had asked him to oversee a project at a site but felt strangely uneasy about the prospect. He decided to pray with Anointing Water in Jesus’ name to ward off the fear. He then boarded a okada (motorbike) to move to the site when, after five minutes, a car crashed into the bike. Pastor Henry flew off the motorbike, his head smashing into the windshield of the car. He went into a coma, his body slumped in a pool of blood. While in the coma, he saw himself on a spiritual journey which he could not understand but he kept shouting the name, Jesus. He saw a light and eventually saw T.B. Joshua who asked him to go back and pulled him to face where he was coming from.
Immediately he opened his eyes and slowly sat up to the amazement of the crowd of onlookers.  Unable to believe that he had survived such a traumatic accident, they rushed him to the hospital. When he was discharged, someone blessed him with a brand new car after hearing of surprising survival! He advised that people should believe in God as “any man who puts his trust in God will never be put in shame”.
Obtained Breakthrough Through Anointing Water
Mr Nyao Molongo Benjamin, a Cameroonian, had visited The SCOAN in November, 2012 and was privileged to receive the Anointing Water from T.B. Joshua. He had come to the church in order to battle his poverty and wretchedness. The problem was so severe that even the land that he owned, he was unable to build anything on it.
In a step of faith, he anointed the land and his little money he had for business with the Anointing Water. In the space of just over a year, his life had been transformed! He was able to build a good house, acquire three cars and his wife safely delivered two healthy twin boys.
He came to fight poverty and failure but God fought for him through the medium of the Anointing Water. Glory be to God!
Delivered From Satanic Powers And Cultism

A video was replayed in which Mr Jonathan was delivered by Wise Man Christopher the previous week. During the deliverance, the evil spirit manifested saying that he was the “King of Umuedu” who operated with 7 demons. After his deliverance, he confessed his experiences as an occultic man who had been used by satan to destroy countless lives. He had discovered at a young age that he was reincarnated as an old woman who had unusual evil powers and taught him many things in his dreams about the spiritual world.
Now free and ready to denounce the world of darkness, he had returned to church with his bag of seven charms which he used to summon the demons. One by one, he explained the name and function of each charm used for destruction. Telling how the demonic powers had taken hold of him, he explained how at the age of 12, he had killed and eaten a monitor lizard after which he became spiritually fortified. He would work without suspicion, using the faces of other people to attack his victims such that they would never suspect him. He explained that he would cause confusion within families by using the face of one of the family members to attack, implicating that person and bringing accusations of witchcraft. He also explained that he had the demonic power to manipulate people to do things against their will, such as stealing and stabbing people with a knife. All these powers came through the sacrifices he made to the seven demons, and each sacrifice involved some form of blood.
Mr Jonathan testified that immediately after his deliverance, he experienced rest and peace of mind for the first time in his entire life. He said he was now going to burn all of the demonic idols and give his life completely to Christ. He advised everyone to put their total trust in God, stressing that the spiritual world is real and not to be taken lightly.

Prophet T.B.Joshua’s sermon to the congregation was an powerful one, built on the theme of faith. He titled it, ‘We Are Built With The Word’. Quoting the words of Jesus in John 15:7, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you willask what you desire, and it shall be done for youhe said that Christ and the Word are one and that when the Word dwells in us, it produces prayer fruits.
Expanding on the theme, T.B. Joshua said, “God’s power working through His Word and Spirit brings about a new birth. Christ gives being (life) to His Word. We can have His Word by studying and learning it but when it comes to the ‘being’ – that is, the life in that Word – it is Christ Himself that gives it. You cannot build one up spiritually on philosophies or theories about the Word or history of the Word; it is not possible. We are made spiritual by living in the Word and by the Word living in us.
Addressing the issue of faith, the man of God said that we must realize that God is Spirit (John 4:24) and faith in Him is a spiritual issue to be discerned and operated spiritually. He added that faith cannot be imitated; it must arise in each person’s heart. Referring to Ephesians 3:17 he said that Christ, who is the Author and Finisher of your life, can only become your Heavenly Father, Deliverer, Saviour, Redeemer and Healer through faith.
Finally, he encouraged the congregation saying that God is building Himself into us, making Himself a part of us, as the Word dominates, rules and sanctifies our spiritual nature. If our spiritual nature is sanctified, you have an Intercessor; Someone is praying for you, reigning in power for you.
The faith of the congregation was lifted up after the inspiring message as people then saw a practical demonstration that every Word of God is Spirit and life. They saw the very life of God transforming people’s situations from sickness to good health in the prayer line, from problem to solution through words of prophecy and from bondage to freedom through deliverance.
The service came to an explosive end with a powerful time of prayer with the five wise men, declaring that anything that has a beginning must have an end. And truly people went home with the firm belief that the end had come to their affliction, hard time and sickness in Jesus’ name!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Kemy ni mwigizaji wa filamu ambaye kwa sasa nimeokoka nafanya kazi ya Mungu kwa nguvu zangu zote. Nakuomba na wewe mdau wangu uingie katika kazi ya Mungu wakati huu ambao umepewa nafasi ya kutosha. Utafika wakati utashindwa hata kutamka neno na nafsi yako itahitaji kusema jambo lakini nguvu yako ikashindwa kukuwezesha kusema hilo ambalo unataka kusema. Tufanye kazi ya Mungu 
Mbali ya hayo yote, nakukaribisha katika blogu hii mpya (www.gilgalentertainment.blogspot.com) ambayo utakuwa unapata Neno la Mungu na kujua Kampuni yangu ya Gilgal inafanya nini kuchangia jamii katika kazi ya BWANA. Kuna mengi utayajua kuhusiana na Gilgal, mojawapo ni uuandaji wa filamu, kusaidia jamii hasa wasiojiweza,

Usiweke machungu ndani ya moyo wako, yanaweza kukusababishia ukawa mbali na Mungu na kukuletea magojwa. Mtafakari Mungu wakati wa shida zako. Mwambie Mungu asemi na wewe na uombe nguvu zake zikuujie wakati wa mapito makali
 Furaha hundoa stree na mikunjo ya sura yako ewe mpendwa
 Sikia maoni yangu..mtumikie Mungu angali u hai..siku ya kufumba macho hutapata nafasi tena ya kumtangaza Kristo
 Matembezi ni bora, hukusaidia kujua yale ambayo ulikuwa huyajui. Hapa nikiwa Arusha kikazi
 Nakupenda sana ewe mdau wangu...Nakuomba muda wote uwe ni mtu wa furaha na achana na chuki. Raha jipe mwenyewe

Wakati wa shida na majaribu makali, mtegemee Mungu na usiangalie wanadamu.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Christina Shusho,akihojiana na mablogaz wa Kitanzania katika hotel ya The Atriums iliyoko Sinza Africa sana
Siku ya jana jioni mablogaz wanaomiliki blogu za Kikristo Tanzania, Rulea Sanga, Uncle Jimmy, Sam Sasali, K-Junior, Martin Macele walikuwa na mahojiano na Christina Shusho katika hotel ya The Atriums Sinza Africasana kuhusiana na shindano kubwa lililoko machochoni pa mtumishi wa Mungu Christina Shusho.

Christina Shusho alimshukuru Mungu kwa kuweza kumtumia kama chombo kufikisha ujumbe kwa jamii kwa njia ya uimbaji na pia kuweza kushiriki katika Gospel Music Awards Africa. Pia aliwashukuru mablogaz kwa kazi yao nzito wanayofanya kumtangaza katika blogs zao na kupoteza muda wao kwaajili ya kumuinua Kristo.
Aliwaomba Watanzania na Africa nzima kumchangua Christina Shusho ili kuliwakilisha Bara la Africa,Tanzania na kumuweka Kristo juu ya vyote.
Christina Shusho ni mwimbaji wa nyimbo za Injili Tanzania na amekuwa chachu kwa waimbaji wenzake na kwa watanzania kwa uimbaji wake na ujumbe naoutoa ambao umekuwa na mguso katika kukarabati imani za watu.
Christina Shusho anategemea ku-perform DAR LIVE siku ya jumapili, kwahiyo amewaomba Watanzania wote kufika mahali pale na kuweza kumpigia kura, kutakuwepo na mablogaz na kompyuta zao ambapo utakutana nao na watakuelekeza jinsi ya kupiga kura....

Tukutane Jumapili Dar Live
1.Emmy Kosgei-Kenya
2.Dena Mwana – Congo
3.Ntokozo Mbambo- South Africa
4.Rebecca- UK
5.Gifty Osei- Ghana
6.Kefee -Nigeria
7.Onos Ariyo- Nigeria
8.Diana Hamilton-UK
9.Christina Shusho -Tanzania
10.Lara George- Nigeria


Siku 18 zimebakia kabla ya pazia la upigaji kura kufungwa kwa waimbaji wa gospel barani Afrika, ambao wanawania tuzo mbalimbali kupitia Africa gospel music awards ambazo zinatarajiwa kutolewa siku ya jumamosi ya tarehe 7 mwezi wa 7 mwaka huu huko jijini London nchini Uingereza. Ambapo kama ilivyokuwa kwa mwaka jana mwimbaji wetu mmoja tu, ametutoa kimasomaso kwa kupendekezwa katika kuwania kupata tuzo hizo mwimbaji huyo si mwingine bali ni Christina Shusho, ambaye mwaka jana alitoka mikono mitupu lakini mwaka huu tukiungana kwa pamoja watanzania wote kwa kumpigia kura lazima atarudi na tuzo zote mbili alizopendekezwa kuwania.

Shusho yumo kwenye kuwania mwimbaji bora wa kike wa mwaka pamoja na mwimbaji bora wa mwaka Afrika ya mashariki, tuzo ambazo anawania na waimbaji wengine wanaofanya vyema kwenye gospel barani Afrika wakiwemo wakina Ntokozo Mbambo wa Afrika ya kusini na waimbaji wengine. Kikubwa ninachoweza kukwambia tukifanikiwa kuunganisha nguvu zetu kwa pamoja kwa kumpigia kura atakuwa nanafasi kubwa ya kutwaa tuzo hizo, kwasababu waimbaji wengine wanaowania tuzo hizo wengi wao wanatoka nchi moja hali ambayo itafanya kura zao kugawana kitu ambacho kitatupa nguvu ya kumwezesha Shusho kurudi na tuzo kwani Tanzania nzima kura zetu tunaelekeza kwake.

Mikakati mbalimbali inafanywa ili kuhakikisha kila mtu anashiriki katika upigaji kura kwakuwa hauhitaji kulipa ili kupiga kura, kikubwa unatakiwa ujiandikishe kwenye tovuti ya shindano hilo ambayo maelekezo yake yapo chini ya habari hii, zaidi kama nilivyoandika mikakati inafanywa ili kuhakikisha watanzania wanashiriki kikamilifu katika zoezi hili katika siku 18 zilizobaki. Hapo jana bloggers walikutana na Christina Shusho katika hoteli ya Atriums iliyopo Sinza jijini Dar es salaam ili kupanga mikakati zaidi ya kuweza kupata tuzo hizo ambazo faida yake ni kumwinua Yesu pamoja na kuitangaza nchi yetu ya Tanzania duniani. Natumai umenielewa ili kupiga kura ingia kwenye link hii na kufuata maelekezo chini yake.

1. Click on the 'VOTE NOW' button.
2. Register your email address, confirm and submit.
3. Check your email (inbox) and you will find the link to vote.
4. If you do not find the link in your email inbox, please check your junk mail folder.
5. Once you have connected to the voting page please make your selections and submit (you can only vote for one nominee from each category).
6. You do not have to vote in every category.

Kikao kikiendelea

Blogger Victor kulia akinukuu jambo kutoka kwa Christina Shusho
Rulea Sanga alipoamua kupiga picha ya pamoja
Shusho akieleza jambo kwa mabloggers
 Victor akizidi kuchangia nawazo yake
K-Junior akiwa busy na kuchukua maphotoz

Watumishi wa Mungu wakihakikisha kila kitu kinaenda sawa

Papaa akimuelezea Shusho mikakati ya mabloggerz kuhusiana na upigaji kura

Kutoka kulia ni Shusho, Martin Malecela pamoja na Victor Mboya wakimsikiliza Rulea Sanga akimpongeza Shusho kwa juhudi zake

Rulea Sanga akisikiliza kwa makini mchakato wa kupata tuzo ulivyo.

Mablogaz  na mchungaji aliyoko upande wa kulia

K-junior wa kwanza upande wa kulia akimsikiliza mchungaji wa Vijana

Hakika kikao kilinoga wajameni.


Kikako kikiendelea na mabloggerz Tanzania waliojikita kumtangaza Kristo

''Inuka maana shughuli hii yakuhusu wewe, uwe na moyo mkuu, ukaitende (Ezra 10;4)''.